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Water: resource management and treatment

On May 15, 2023, the kick-off meeting for the Karst project took place. This project aims to set up a multi-scale physical modeling framework for karst aquifers.
Scientific and technical challenges associated with the management of industrial effluents and runoff water.
Contact: Aurélie MOURET
Characterization, conceptualization and modeling of soil and underground formations, as well as the physical chemical processes that have influenced their properties...
Contact: Noalwenn SALLÉE
Development of equipment and methodologies, conduct of experiments on various scales...
Contact: Pascal MOUGIN
Characterizing and modeling the behavior of any type of complex fluid.
Contact: Christophe PREUX
Development of fluid mechanics models from the local scale to the industrial system.
Contact: Myriam DARBOURET
Cutting-edge expertise and equipment in the fields of matter characterization, energy and recycling.
Contact: Nathalie SCHILDKNECHT
Understanding and quantification of physicochemical phenomena on ultra-small scales, using high-throughput and quantitative experimentation.
Contacts: Marie MARSIGLIA / Jalila BOUJLEL
Understanding of multiphysical phenomena at play during transfer in porous media and the development of multi-scale models...
Contact: David TEIXEIRA