At a time when the IPCC emphasizes the need to immediately reducte greenhouse gas emissions, soil and its ability to store carbon appear as a significant lever to achieve carbon neutrality targets. IFPEN, actively involved in this subject through its Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques (Carnot RE), and INRAE have taken up these challenges and are energizing the scientific community to address the major challenges in this field. Join us at the SoilCET International Symposium from January 24th to 26th, 2024, in Rueil-Malmaison!
Soils are now recognized as important potential "carbon sinks." Their ability to sequester carbon makes them a topic of international interest for the service of climate change mitigation strategies.
Where do we stand today in terms of research on this subject? Scientists are currently working to better understand soil dynamics and their impact on organic matter (OM) within different ecosystems and upon different uses and practices. Reducing uncertainty about the complex and multifaceted mechanisms of OM decomposition is essential for more informed soil management. This is necessary both to preserve and restore their quality for sustainable agriculture and to increase their carbon sequestration capacity.
Due to its history, IFPEN has developed tools and expertise that are useful in developing this knowledge. For example, Rock-Eval®, a process originally designed by IFPEN teams to analyze the organic carbon content and petroleum potential of source rocks, now allows for reliable and rapid characterization of soil organic matter and carbon. It is through this knowledge transfer that IFPEN has embraced the challenges of soil carbon.
Recognizing that the climate emergency context requires the mobilization of the entire scientific community, IFPEN has decided to propose an event dedicated to soil carbon as part of its scientific meetings. This event is organized in collaboration with INRAE, with which IFPEN shares research activities on this topic through a framework collaboration agreement .
The Symposium "Soil Carbon in the Ecological Transition" (SoilCET) will take place from January 24th to 26th, 2024, at the IFPEN site in Rueil-Malmaison. What's on the agenda for these meetings?
- Quantification of organic carbon and characterization of soil organic matter at parcel and regional scales.
- Stabilization of soil organic matter: a central process in carbon-storing agricultural practices.
- Role of biodiversity in stabilizing soil organic matter and carbon storage.
- Microbiological, geochemical, and material transfer interactions: an integrated approach.
In addition, this event will host a foresight workshop bringing together major international and European research initiatives on the subject.
So mark your calendars for SoilCET in 2024 and join us to discuss an essential topic of the ecological transition!
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