In March, to accompany the digital transformation of industries associated with the underground environment, IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) launched the TELLUS Share community. Already supported by several partners, including Andra, Petrobras and TotalEnergies, TELLUS Share has deployed its first digital solutions to facilitate the day-to-day work of geoscientists.
Led by the Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques, TELLUS’ objective is to study how emerging digital solutions (data science, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, etc.) can facilitate the work of geoscientists in industries associated with the underground environment (underground storage, geothermal energy, mines, oil, civil engineering, etc.). An innovative approach hinged around two complementary pillars: TELLUS Share and TELLUS Lab.
TELLUS Share brings together a community of industrial players analyzing and using the underground environment. Member companies can consult each other about their operational needs, share their challenges and usage scenarios, access constantly evolving global scientific and technological intelligence, monitor the development of IFPEN’s prototypes and benefit from a raft of digital tools to support geoscientists in their everyday work.
TELLUS Lab allows members of the TELLUS Share community to examine a specific usage scenario in greater depth with a multidisciplinary IFPEN team, made up of subsurface experts (geologists, rock mechanics specialists, reservoir engineers, etc.) and experts in the field of digital technology (mathematicians, IT engineers).
“We want to ensure digital technology can be adapted and deployed in such a way as to simplify the work of geoscientists day to day”, explains Antoine Bouziat, geologist and digital technologies project manager at IFPEN. “Our objective is to create a ‘digital companion for subsurfaceprofessionals’ to reduce the burden of time-consuming and repetitive activities, such as data mining, for example, and enable them to concentrate on their actual expertise.”
TELLUS’ first concrete developments have already been rolled out. For example, innovative solutions have been created in partnership with TotalEnergies to help geologists explore the large volumes of heterogeneous data accumulated for some sedimentary basins.
“Our TELLUS offer is unique in terms of both its capacity to combine IFPEN’s geoscientific and digital expertise and its cross-cutting industrial dimension”, underlines Antoine Bouziat. “We work closely with an eco-system of SMEs and start-ups, enabling us to take advantage of the best technological innovations and talents.
This agile collaborative approach makes it possible to accelerate the digital transformation of the leading subsurface players, providing them with customized digital solutions, adapted to their needs.”
For more information about Tellus: www.tellus-digital.net